May 31, 2024
June 17, 2024Negotiations Between ILA & USMX Come To A Halt: Potential For East Coast Port Strike
Just when it seemed like the negotiations to avoid a longshoremen East Coast port strike were moving toward a successful agreement, we received this jarring news. On June 10, the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) announced they are halting Master Contract negotiations with the US Maritime Alliance (USMX), which was set to happen on June 11. This suspension of negotiation stems from the news that Maersk and APM terminals are utilizing an Auto Gate system, rather than utilizing ILA labor workers to process the trucks coming into terminals.
One of the most prominent threats to longshore workers is the rise of technology and automation, leaving a reduced need for human labor. The Master Contract was put in place originally to protect the jobs of the longshore workers from these around-the-clock automation systems.
The ILA international president, Harold J. Daggett, stated that “there’s no point in trying to negotiate a new agreement with USMX when one of its major companies continues to violate our current agreement”. Until the Auto Gate issue is resolved, the ILA has no plans to resume their conversation about the new agreement.
The integration of automation and advanced technology should be done thoughtfully, ensuring that labor workers are not competing against automated machines for their jobs. The longshore workers play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless and efficient movement of goods globally, a role that machines cannot do on their own. By navigating this complex issue with a balanced approach, the maritime industry can continue to thrive, securing the livelihoods of longshore workers and the broader economy they support.
There is less than four months until the current contract between ILA and USMX expires, and we’re not sure there will be a resolution before then.
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