China 301 Exclusions Will Be Extended Until 12/31/2023
September 7, 2023
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is Increasing the Merchandise Processing Fee
September 28, 2023NCBFAA Prepares for Potential October 1st Government Shutdown
As the federal government heads towards an October 1st shutdown that will disrupt many services across the U.S., the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA) is preparing for the effects on imports and exports being processed at the nation’s ports.
The NCBFAA is leading an effort among 40 other trade associations to develop a comprehensive strategy with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other Partner Government Agencies (PGAs) to ensure that legitimate trade is permitted to efficiently enter and exit our nation’s ports during a shutdown.
The NCBFAA will keep its members informed with real-time information about what they need to know in order to perform their day-to-day business activities during the shutdown,” said NCBFAA Executive Vice President Megan Montgomery. “It’s all-hands-on-deck in our association.”
Read the entire Sept. 22 Joint Trade Industry Statement to CBP and the PGAs here.
Congress needs to come to an agreement to fund the government by September 30th, otherwise all non-essential services will shut down. The last time this happened was in December of 2018 and it lasted for 35 days.
Western Overseas Corporation is committed to processing entries as quickly as possible but in some areas, it will be beyond our control. We will keep you informed, as information becomes available. If you have any questions, please ask your Western Overseas representative.